0.8.2 - Dropped the Rules subproject. - Allowed point value stamps to be trimmed. - Added 'purge' request support in stores. - Updated Java version requirement to 8. - Added support for Tomcat. - Added the messages port client forwarder module. - Completed the 080-082 bridge. - Allowed 'private' SOM servers. - Added a memory back-end to MyStore. - Added a memory queue to SOM. - Implemented SOM queues transaction merge. - Added 'drop.deleted' to my-store server properties. - Improved control of the RMI listening address. - Allowed selective archiving of values removed by the store archiver. - Added 'subscribeAndCheck' to StoreSessionProxy. - Modified store 'subscribe' to return last values. - Enabled validation by default. - Allowed mutual replication for points. - Simplified RVPF services set up for Linux. - Dropped use of Wrapper for portability reasons. - Added the store updater forwarder module. - Added to/from alerter forwarder modules. - Added a 'snapshot' mode to MyStore. - Allowed store replicator to be point specific. - Add 'compressed' option to SOM queues. - Added autocommit threshold to SOM queues. - Improved metadata security. - Added service application support. - Refactored shell scripts. - Implemented a keep-alive protocol for SOM objects. - Grouped many service properties. - Redesigned the store state sets as state groups. - Added lock files to SOM queues. - Added support for BigInteger and BigDecimal values. - Added support for Rational and BigRational values. - Added support for Complex values. - Implemented 'extended' properties groups. - Refactored Simple and renamed to SOM. - Added 'required' attribute to 'property' and 'param' elements. - Improved the ListMap interface and implementations. - Added the Bag interface and implementations. - Redesigned the Logger.LogListener. - Refactored service activation. 0.8.1 - Added a count service for store requests. - Replaced file copy by a mark file in Simple queues. - Added the ListMap interface and implementations. - Updated Java version requirement to 6.0. - Replaced the pipe and script engines by the LocalExecutorEngine. - Added a Log4j appender to generate alerts. - Added the RVPF080XMLPortClient forwarder module. - Made KeyedValues respect their definition order. - Replaced HSQLDB by H2 as default database engine. - Replaced Jython by JavaScript as default script language. - Made embedded alerters generate Midnight events. - Added inter/extra-polation support to stores. - Dropped Simple Outline XML (SOX) support. - Moved Tracer under 'base' package. - Added a Berkeley DB Java Edition back-end to MyStore. - Refactored MyStore to allow alternative back-ends. - Added streamed messages validation. - Moved the RVPF jars under the 'lib' directory. - Removed direct dependency on dom4j. - Allowed backup of queue messages. - Allowed specification of service traces base directory. - Added the StreamedMessagesFiles forwarder module. - Renamed XMLPortClient to XMLPointValuesPortClient. - Renamed the XMLInput forwarder modules. - Changed Simple queues file names convention. - Updated Jython version requirement to 2.5.1. - Added a lib/opt archive to the distribution. - Allowed custom Streamer converters. - Added the RemoteExecutor and the RemoteExecutorEngine. - Added DatabaseServer with support for HSQLDB, H2 and Derby. - Renamed MyStore 'db' to 'sql'. - Dropped the native UUID generator. - Added a 'test' Ant target. - Added 'system' attribute to 'properties' element. - Allowed wild jar names in ClassLib locations. - Made the RPN engine case-insensitive. - Made the forwarder restart on store access exception. - Added container values support. - Added word definitions in metadata to the RPN engine. - Improved deleted values handling. - Improved NullRemoves handling. - Improved the XMLInputPort forwarder module performance. - Improved compressed traces robustness. - Added traces support in forwarder. - Reduced default log output. - Added the 'Sync' entity. - Added support for H2 database (1.2.135) to MyStore. - Fixed null messages from the Injector forwarder module. - Allowed end-of-month specification in Crontab. - Improved logging flexibility to allow localization. - Moved shared XML files into jars. - Added Java Logging API interception to log4j. - Dropped Preferences support in Config. - Improved synchronization for XML port client. - Added a 'Volatile' param to Point. - Made cutoff and filter control points self-registering. - Dropped computation postponement. - Added SSL support to the XPC C API. - Added Pipe process start synchronization. - Modified DateTime raw string format to be non ambiguous. - Dropped SVNKit from standard installation. - Added a 'RunningInterval' Point param for Summarizer. - Improved processor scenarios test. - Added 'confirm' mode to the Dispatcher forwarder module. - Bundled Ivy to simplify use of 'ant setup'. - Added Mac OS X support. - Improved point aliases support. - Added generic state sets support to stores. - Dropped store purge. - Added 'pull' to StoreServer. - Allowed service dependency by name. - Added dynamic store binding. - Allowed the Processor to stay alive on store access exception. - Added the ScriptEngine and the ScriptSink. - Modified distribution files name to include Subversion revision. - Added PointValue state support to PipeEngine and PipeSink. - Added the Script service. - Split rvpf-config-shared.xml. - Renamed rvpf-server.jar to rvpf-core.jar and split. - Added wait on pipe engine when KeepProcess is 0. - Made pipe engine/sink process start failure critical. - Added State content. - Added a 'sync' attribute to point input and transform arg. - Added the CStore service. - Added subscriptions to store sessions. - Allowed any service to serve the Alerter topic. - Simplified Alerter by using a single topic as transport. - Avoided restart on RefreshMetadata for most stores. - Dropped notifier journal. - Updated JavaSVN to SVNKit. 0.8.0 - Added requirement, for Sun JVM, of version 1.5.0_06 or later. - Changed DateTime string format to include UTC offset. - Allowed Summarizer to adjust Result stamp to Sync Point. - Fixed a RMI distributed garbage collector loop on OpenVMS. - Added a simple internal Profiler. - Modified stores update loop to encode values. - Reorganized MyStore relational indexes. - Fixed a RMISocketFactory set up race condition in ServiceThread. - Changed Simple queue files format to XML fragment. - Refactored XML streaming. - Improved service stats time resolution. - Added Dumper / Loader with reference scripts. - Added support for point permissions. - Moved 'Config' specific classes from 'metadata' to 'config'. - Allowed query on pull support and fixed pull handling. - Allowed setting of JDBC driver (MyStore) custom properties. - Improved distribution revision identification. - Added 'format' and 'dump' to RPN operations. - Added access to RPN input and result point names. - Added helper classes for PipeEngine and PipeSink requests. - Removed missing result inputs anonymity. - Added support of environment variables in ProcessMonitor. - Added pipe request format version. - Replaced millis in config files by elapsed time. - Allowed engine interruption on processor service stop. - Added a TimeLimit param to the Pipe engine. - Allowed deferred substitution. - Added support for the 'NullRemoves' transform param. - Added the 'validate' script. - Added input Sync param. - Dropped the use of XDoclet. - Reduced dependency on commons-logging. - Added macros expansion to the RPN engine. - Fixed Crontab processing of DST skip in spring. - Added stats to Simple messaging objects. - Allowed contained services to register with JMX agent. - Implemented the XMLPortClient C API. - Added DocumentVersionControl startup update trigger file. - Renamed 'store.server.sink.pipe.program' property to '...command'. - Relocated pipe process control from Transform to Engine. - Renamed MJD and MJD.Elapsed to DateTime and ElapsedTime. - Added a remote Logger service. - Improved the log entries identification. - Fixed the Processor Control engine result values. - Fixed points set up in the Dispatcher forwarder module. - Fixed the PropertiesExporter. - Added the 'reference' XML PI. - Deferred generation of control signals to end of processing. - Made UUID require a system property to use native generator. - Fixed some start up failures deadlock conditions. - Improved uncaught exception handling. - Added OpenVMS support. - Fixed the store updates listener. - Fixed a stack trace in AgentSessionProxy. - Fixed object name propagation in MainServices. - Allowed the DatedFileAppender to use subdirectories. - Added loop protection to Simple publishing. - Added loop protection to Alert forwarding. - Added the 'metadata' checkout / update script. - Refactored RMI sessions implementation. - Added security role support to JMX agent. - Added service.Stopper. - Added support for automatic JMX registration. - Added service aliases. - Made 'org.rvpf' the default JMX domain. - Added the Injector and XML Input forwarder modules. - Consolidated security properties. - Changed domain from 'rvpf.sf.net' to 'rvpf.org'. 0.7.4 - Fixed postponed results selection. - Dropped redundant results elimination. - Added support for point aliases. - Improved self-referencing results processing behaviors. - Allowed use of 'Synchronized' behavior as non primary. - Added the 'DefaultBehavior' param to engines. - Fixed generation of out-of-sync results by AlwaysTriggers. - Made results stored value available to transforms. - Added the Null and the Clone engines. - Added support for XML properties files. - Allowed value substitution in properties files. - Required that scripts execution be done from RVPF root. - Added a connection retry mode to the Valve controller. - Fixed many Metadata Server defects. - Modified the Resynchronizer engine to subclass the Replicator. - Made backend limit default to response limit. - Fixed an InvalidIntervalException in StoreCursor. - Revised the RPN MJD operations word list. - Allowed the Metadata Server to export properties and select Engines. - Added the 'trigger' script. - Added missing logging informations when auto-restarting. - Fixed signal / event handling by the Metadata Server. - Added the 'UpdateDocument' action to the Control Engine. 0.7.3 - Added support for a store backend single read size protection. - Added Simple Outline XML (SOX) support. - Added mixed stores compatibility to the Replicator engine. - Improved security configuration problems handling. - Completed entity name case insensitivity. - Improved forwarder connection failure recovery. - Refactored Midnight logging for services without alerter. - Added the Step Filter Engine. - Added the PointValueConverter. - Dropped the 'Convert' param. - Added 'FloorInterval' and 'CeilingInterval' to Resynchronizer. - Added events request to HTTP Alert module. - Fixed batch memory limits computation. - Made text informations available in exported Metadata. - Added the 'signal' script. - Added the Null Alerter. - Made integer contents round floats on decode. - Split physical / logical processing in Content entities. - Fixed some race conditions in forwarder input. - Factored out Thread inheritance. - Improved Receptionist protocol. - Improved ClassLibs support. - Added 'classLib' elements to 'ClassLib' and 'service' in rvpf.dtd. - Reorganized the project directory hierarchy. 0.7.2 - Added cache support to the ServiceClassLoader. - Renamed ClassLib 'url' to 'location' in rvpf.dtd. - Added support for automatic loading of metadata from HTTP server. - Replaced JUnit by TestNG. - Updated the source language level to Java 5. - Added the Rules subproject. 0.7.1 - Added the 'RecalcLatest' param to points and transforms. - Implemented the HTTP Metadata server module. - Added 'stamp' and 'domain' attributes to metadata in rvpf.dtd. - Fixed missed notifications when filtered and multiple stores. - Added a 'validated' attribute to PropertiesDef in rvpf.dtd. - Added a DocumentVersionControl service. - Added an 'info' property to signals and events. - Removed the Serializable interface from MetadataFilter. - Generalized the 'uuid' attribute for all entity definitions. - Added support of ParamDef to MetadataExporter. - Fixed a NPE on store related misconfigurations. - Fixed a stack overflow in DatedFileAppender. - Added signature files in the new '-asc.tgz' bundle. - Improved deleted values processing. - Added the 'Group' entity. - Replaced the '-lib.tgz' bundle by the 'Ivy' mechanism. - Allowed tests scenarios to run in relative time. - Added the 'env' and 'eq' attributes to property assignments. - Added the ProxyStore service. 0.7.0 - Dropped use of rmic in favor of dynamic stub classes. - Improved exception handling in the HTTP Query module. - Simplified store queries processing. - Added the 'post' script. - Assigned default paths to HTTP modules. - Added the 'break' and 'continue' RPN operations. - Moved the JythonScript MBean into the JMS subproject. - Detached the Valve into its own subproject. - Added result recalc trigger notice. - Added audit traces. - Added the HTTP Notice module. - Added the generalized forwarder service. - Added support of Apache Derby ( to MyStore. - Improved logging of Simple client connections. - Added the Resynchronizer engine. - Added a 'target' parameter to the HTTP server TriggerServlet. - Allowed incremental PropertiesDef entries. - Added an 'attribute' child to the rvpf.dtd 'attributes' element. - Added SafeFileAppender for use with log4j. - Added MainServices. - Refactored the build.xml files. - Detached JMS support into its own subproject. 0.6.0 - Set 'simple' as the default messaging protocol. - Added Simple Messaging Objects (simple) implementation and support. - Removed the points order constraint. - Dropped JMS support for store requests and updates. - Added a values cache for the processor. - Added basic run stats. - Allowed the use of a notifier journal by appropriate stores. - Allowed updates and notices batching. - Allowed a limit on the backward search for sync values. - Allowed Synchronized Behavior on offset Sync schedule. - Extended start up time for each module of the HTTP server. - Allowed Queue and Topic look up to wait for inscription in JNDI. - Made Store rejections more explicit. - Enabled assertions. - Fixed a NPE on inputs with SelectSyncPosition and on zombie services. - The 'rvpf.object.name' system property allows standalone reuse. - Added ActiveMQ (1.5) to the verified JMS implementations. - Fixed a resource problem in HTTP tests. - Added a time stamp to HTTP servlets responses. - Improved valve error handling. - Improved messaging topics lifecycle control. - Added generation of the 'config.dir' property. - Made selection of configuration directory more flexible. - Added DatedFileAppender for use with log4j. - Added the 'MIDNIGHT' event to help roll log files. - Added an 'info' servlet to the HTTP Query module. - Removed an ambiguity in StoreRequest method names. - Dropped the 'rvpf-' prefix from the DOCTYPE names. 0.5.2 - Changed alert logging format. - Improved responsiveness to service events. - Replaced startup delay by restraint period for the HTTP Alerter module. - Added a 'status' servlet to the HTTP Alerter module. - Implemented a 'zombie' state for failed services. - Allowed more than one Behavior reference for a Transform 'arg'. - Implemented support of limit for responses to requests. - Added memory limits protection to the Processor. - Dropped the Filter entity. - Added MJD operations to the Summarizer engine. - Cleaned up RPN aliases. 0.5.1 - Added MJD operations to the RPN engine. - Added 'control' attribute to the rvpf.dtd 'input' element. - Implemented support for 'SelectSyncPosition' and 'SelectPreviousValue'. - Integrated use of Transform 'arg'. - Simplified Behavior chain set up. - Improved entity identification in XMLDocument log messages. - Added 'arg' element to the rvpf.dtd 'Transform' element. - Improved service startup synchronization. - Fixed Summarizer normalization/denormalization. - Implemented 'sync' support. - Implemented client side processing of some store requests. - Migrated from CVS to Subversion. - Dropped store filters. - Added 'sync' attribute to the rvpf.dtd 'Point' element. - Split rvpf.jar to rvpf-base.jar and rvpf-server.jar. - Reorganized the base classes. - Fixed dynamic properties processing. - Improved PIFilter integration. - Fixed a few NPE in 'tearDown' methods when startup fails. - Added a service ping limit before activating self-restart. - Closed a NPE window in Clock service on RefreshMetadata. - Added 'optional' attribute to 'properties' element in rvpf.dtd. 0.5.0 - Modified to ignore redundant include PI. - Protected RPN against infinite loop operations. - Added the Valve service. - Fixed a NPE when stopping while waiting for a Store. - Simplified Store server Request processing. - Added the HTTP Update module. - Improved JMS security support. - Allowed selection of KeyStore and TrustStore for RMI and HTTP. - Fixed the entities transfer from Config to Metadata. - Implemented properties validation from PropertyDef and PropertiesDef. - Simplified mandatory system properties set up. - Fixed a method override error in XMLDocument.Entry. - Implemented role based access for RMI. - Added secure sockets support for RMI access. - Refactored RMI access to use session objects. - Added authentication to client certificate support. - Implemented client certificate support in HTTP server. - Implemented https support in HTTP server. - Implemented role based access for HTTP. - Redesigned the PointInput relation with its Behaviors. - Simplified Proxy entity role. - Redesigned substitutions processing. - Added 'element' attribute to the rvpf.dtd 'other' element. - Added the HTTP Query module. - Added the Pipe Sink. - Refactored store.server notification. - Added JMSSinkClient. - Added Sink server. - Changed NullStore attitude from strict to lenient. - Added the HTTP RPN Executor module. - Added 'UnitValue' and 'SI' contents. - Added many convenience words to RPN. - Redesigned failure handling in RPN. - Modified rvpf-rpn.dtd to include both request and response. - Added control of result time position in intervals. - Renamed Behavior. - Added 'fail', 'try' and 'required' to RPN operations. - Added start/stop Content to Summarizer. - Added 'stored' to RPN operations and Pipe Engine. - Reorganized Engine classes. - Added logging of context informations. - Refactored the Behavior and Transform protocol. 0.4.3 - Added the Pipe engine. - Added 'min' and 'max' to RPN operations. - Modified rvpf.dtd to allow textual informations on root elements. - Made ClassDef available in Config. - Allowed KeyedValues to contain non String values. - Added a required 'usage' attribute to the 'attributes' element. - Added rvpf-config-shared.xml to hold PropertyDef and PropertiesDef elements. - Added 'PropertyDef' and 'PropertiesDef' elements. - Renamed ParamDef 'type' to 'holder'. - Renamed the 'Property', 'Properties' and 'Service' elements. 0.4.2 - Added rvpf-rpn.dtd. - Modified to skip processing of elements with a 'lang' attribute. - Fixed a NPE on missing 'Program' param for RPN transform. - Added support for property marker substitution. - Dropped use of ident attributes by services. - Added value deletion support. - Allowed config and metadata to be found as resources on the classpath. - Allowed multiple rvpf.properties resource files. - Redesigned and rewrote the http package. - Added rvpf-data.dtd. - Reorganized the project directory. 0.4.1 - Added the RMIJMSStoreClient. - Fixed the RMI StoreClient. - Added 'required' value operators to the RPN Engine. - Added Ping Pong protocol for service availability. - Added the Alerter Service. - Added the Synchronized Behavior. - Added self restart capability to service threads. - Introduced alerts and signals. 0.4.0 - Many improvements have been made regarding stability, testing and configuration. 0.1.0 - First public distribution (2003-11-12). ---