RPN Operations summary


'A'Pushes String("A").
"B"Pushes String("B").
9Pushes Long(9).
9.0Pushes Double(9.0).
$1Pushes input #1.
$1!Pushes required input #1.
$1$Pushes input #1 state.
$1@Pushes input #1 time stamp.
$1.Pushes input #1 point name.
$1=Pops object into input #1.
:$1=Peeks object into input #1.
$1?Pushes input #1 is present.
$*Pushes all inputs in order.
$*!Pushes all inputs in order disallowing nulls.
$#Pushes inputs count.
$0Pushes current value of result.
$0!Pushes required current value of result.
$0=Pops object into current result.
:$0=Peeks object into current result.
$0$Pushes current result state.
$0@Pushes current result time stamp.
$0.Pushes result point name.
$0$=Pops object into current result state.
:$0$=Peeks object into current result state.
#1Pushes memory #1.
#1=Pops object into memory #1.
:#1=Peeks object into memory #1.
@1Pushes param #1.
@1!Pushes required param #1.
bptBreakpoint opportunity.
deleted?Pushes pop is deleted value state.
nopDoes nothing.
!Fails if pop is null.
returnEnds execution of operations.
storedPushes stored value of result.
stored!Pushes required stored value of result.
stored?Pushes result value is stored.
$#Pushes the type (class name) of pop.


atPushes at pop.
clearClears pop locations on stack.
copyDuplicates pop values.
defaultPops default for peek null.
depthPushes stack depth from topmost mark.
depth*Pushes total stack depth.
dropDrops pop.
dumpDumps peek marked to Processor's log.
dump*Dumps peek all to Processor's log.
dupPushes peek.
:Pushes peek.
eqPushes pop equal to pop.
markMarks the stack.
[Marks the stack.
mark?Pushes stack is marked.
nePushes pop not equal to pop.
nipDrops second item on stack.
nullPushes null.
null?Pushes pop is null.
overPushes second item on stack.
reverseReverses the stack.
rollRolls pop time pop offset.
swapExchanges top values.
tuckInserts peek before second item on stack.
unmarkRemoves last mark.
]Removes last mark.
unmark*Removes all marks.


-Pushes pop substracted from pop.
+Pushes pop added to pop.
dayPushes day from pop.
--dayDecrements day in peek.
++dayIncrements day in peek.
-daysSubstracts pop as days from peek.
+daysAdds pop as days to peek.
dimPushes days in month from pop.
dowPushes day of week from pop.
hourPushes hour from pop.
--hourDecrements hour in peek.
++hourIncrements hour in peek.
_hourFloors the hour in peek.
~hourRounds the hour in peek.
hoursToggles peek between elapsed and hours.
midnightSets peek to midnight.
milliPushes milli from pop.
--milliDecrements milli in peek.
++milliIncrements milli in peek.
_milliFloors the millisecond in peek.
~milliRounds the millisecond in peek.
millisToggles peek between elapsed and milliseconds.
minutePushes minute from pop.
--minuteDecrements minute in peek.
++minuteIncrements minute in peek.
_minuteFloors the minute in peek.
~minuteRounds the minute in peek.
minutesToggles peek between elapsed and minutes.
mjdPushes a DateTime (MJD) built from pop.
monthPushes month from pop.
--monthDecrements month in peek.
++monthIncrements month in peek.
-monthsSubstracts pop as months from peek.
+monthsAdds pop as months to peek.
noonSets peek to noon.
nowPushes current system time.
rawPushes raw value of pop.
secondPushes second (Double) from pop.
--secondDecrements second in peek.
++secondIncrements second in peek.
_secondFloors the second in peek.
~secondRounds the second in peek.
secondsToggles peek between elapsed and seconds.
splitSplits popped elapsed in days, hours, minutes, seconds.
splitSplits popped time in year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds.
joinJoins popped year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds into time.
todayPushes today at midnight.
tomorrowPushes tomorrow at midnight.
tzSets the time zone to the name in pop.
yearPushes year from pop.
--yearDecrements year in peek.
++yearIncrements year in peek.
-yearsSubstracts pop as years from peek.
+yearsAdds pop as years to peek.
yesterdayPushes yesterday at midnight.


0?Pushes pop is zero.
0~?Pushes within pop, pop is zero.
0+?Pushes pop is zero or positive.
0-?Pushes pop is zero or negative.
absPushes abs(pop).
acosPushes acos(pop).
asinPushes asin(pop).
atanPushes atan(pop).
+Pushes addition of pop and pop.
cbrtPushes cbrt(pop)
ceilPushes ceil(pop).
cosPushes cos(pop).
coshPushes cosh(pop).
degPushes pop in radians to degrees.
/Pushes quotient of division by pop of pop.
/%Pushes remainder and quotient of division by pop of pop.
ePushes e.
eqPushes pop equal to pop.
=~Pushes within pop, pop equal to pop.
floatPushes Double.valueOf(pop).
float?Pushes pop is a float.
floorPushes floor(pop).
gePushes pop greater than or equal to pop.
gtPushes pop greater than pop.
hypotPushes hypot(pop, pop).
inf?Pushes pop is infinite.
+infPushes positive infinity.
-infPushes negative infinity.
lePushes pop less than or equal to pop.
logPushes natural log(pop).
log10Pushes log10(pop).
ltPushes pop less than pop.
maxPushes maximum of pop and pop.
minPushes minimum of pop and pop.
modPushes the modulo pop of pop.
*Pushes multiplication of pop and pop.
nanPushes a NaN value.
nan?Pushes pop is NaN.
nePushes pop not equal to pop.
negPushes - pop.
number?Pushes pop is a number.
piPushes pi.
**Pushes power pop of pop.
radPushes pop in degress to radians.
%Pushes remainder of division by pop of pop.
roundPushes round(pop).
sgnPushes the signum function of pop.
sinPushes sin(pop).
sinhPushes sinh(pop).
sqrtPushes sqrt(pop)
-Pushes subtraction of pop from pop.
tanPushes tan(pop).
tanhPushes tanh(pop).


0?Pushes pop is zero.
0+?Pushes pop is zero or positive.
0-?Pushes pop is zero or negative.
absPushes abs(pop).
+Pushes addition of pop and pop.
andPushes binary and of pop and pop.
/Pushes quotient of division by pop of pop.
/%Pushes remainder and quotient of division by pop of pop.
--Pushes pop - 1.
eqPushes pop equal to pop.
floatPushes Double.valueOf(pop).
gePushes pop greater than or equal to pop.
gtPushes pop greater than pop.
++Pushes pop + 1.
intPushes Long.valueOf(pop).
int?Pushes pop is an int.
lePushes pop less than or equal to pop.
lshftPushes pop times left shift of pop.
ltPushes pop less than pop.
maxPushes maximum of pop and pop.
minPushes minimum of pop and pop.
modPushes the modulo pop of pop.
*Pushes multiplication of pop and pop.
nePushes pop not equal to pop.
negPushes - pop.
notPushes binary complement of pop.
orPushes binary or of pop and pop.
%Pushes remainder of division by pop of pop.
rshftPushes pop times right shift of pop.
rshftzPushes pop times right shift of pop with zero fill.
sgnPushes the signum function of pop.
-Pushes subtraction of pop from pop.
xorPushes binary xor of pop and pop.


?:Pushes, if pop, then pop, else pop.
andPushes pop and pop.
assertFails if pop is null or false.
falsePushes Boolean(false).
false!Fails if pop is true.
notPushes not pop.
orPushes pop or pop.
truePushes Boolean(true).
true!Fails if pop is false.
xorPushes pop xor pop.


0?Pushes pop is zero.
0+?Pushes pop is zero or positive.
0-?Pushes pop is zero or negative.
absPushes abs(pop).
+Pushes addition of pop and pop.
/Pushes quotient of division by pop of pop.
*Pushes multiplication of pop and pop.
negPushes - pop.
ratPushes rational version of pop (and pop).
1/Pushes reciprocal of pop.
sgnPushes the signum function of pop.
splitPushes numerator and denominator of pop.
-Pushes subtraction of pop from pop.


absPushes abs(pop).
acosPushes acos(pop).
argPushes argument of pop.
asinPushes asin(pop).
atanPushes atan(pop).
+Pushes addition of pop and pop.
conjPushes conjugate of pop.
cosPushes cos(pop).
coshPushes cosh(pop).
cplxPushes cartesian version of pop (and pop).
/Pushes quotient of division by pop of pop.
expPushes exponential of pop.
iPushes i.
imagPushes imaginary part of pop.
*Pushes multiplication of pop and pop.
negPushes - pop.
polarPushes polar version of pop (and pop).
powPushes pop power of pop.
realPushes real part of pop.
sgnPushes the signum function of pop.
sinPushes sin(pop).
sinhPushes sinh(pop).
splitPushes pop splitted in two.
-Pushes subtraction of pop from pop.
tanPushes tan(pop).
tanhPushes tanh(pop).


+Pushes concatenation of pop after pop.
boolPushes Boolean.valueOf(pop).
debugLogs pop as DEBUG.
empty?Pushes pop is empty.
errorLogs pop as ERROR and fails.
floatPushes Double.valueOf(pop).
formatPushes formatted with pop on peek marked.
format*Pushes formatted with pop on peek all.
infoLogs pop as INFO.
intPushes Long.valueOf(pop).
lowerPushes lower(pop).
strPushes pop to String.
str?Pushes pop is a String.
substringPushes substring to pop from pop of pop.
trimPushes trim(pop).
upperPushes upper(pop).
warnLogs pop as WARN.


0?Pushes pop is zero.
0+?Pushes pop is zero or positive.
0-?Pushes pop is zero or negative.
absPushes abs(pop).
+Pushes addition of pop and pop.
bigdecPushes pop as a BigDecimal.
/Pushes quotient of division by pop of pop.
/%Pushes remainder and quotient of division by pop of pop.
eqPushes pop equal to pop.
gePushes pop greater than or equal to pop.
gtPushes pop greater than pop.
lePushes pop less than or equal to pop.
ltPushes pop less than pop.
maxPushes maximum of pop and pop.
minPushes minimum of pop and pop.
modPushes the modulo pop of pop.
.leftPushes the decimal point moved left by pop in pop.
.rightPushes the decimal point moved right by pop in pop.
*Pushes multiplication of pop and pop.
nePushes pop not equal to pop.
negPushes - pop.
**Pushes power pop of pop.
precPushes the precision of pop.
%Pushes remainder of division by pop of pop.
scalePushes the scale of pop.
scale=Sets the scale pop of peek.
sgnPushes the signum function of pop.
stripStrips trailing zeros of peek.
-Pushes subtraction of pop from pop.
unscaledPushes the unscaled value of pop.


0?Pushes pop is zero.
0+?Pushes pop is zero or positive.
0-?Pushes pop is zero or negative.
absPushes abs(pop).
+Pushes addition of pop and pop.
andPushes binary and of pop and pop.
bigintPushes pop as a BigInteger.
bitsPushes number of bits of pop not equal to sign.
clearPushes with pop bit of pop cleared.
/Pushes quotient of division by pop of pop.
/%Pushes remainder and quotient of division by pop of pop.
eqPushes pop equal to pop.
flipPushes with pop bit of pop flipped.
gcdPushes gcd of pop and pop.
gePushes pop greater than or equal to pop.
gtPushes pop greater than pop.
lePushes pop less than or equal to pop.
low1Pushes index of lowest set bit of pop or -1.
lshftPushes pop times left shift of pop.
ltPushes pop less than pop.
maxPushes maximum of pop and pop.
minPushes minimum of pop and pop.
modPushes the modulo pop of pop.
*Pushes multiplication of pop and pop.
nePushes pop not equal to pop.
negPushes - pop.
notPushes binary complement of pop.
orPushes binary or of pop and pop.
**Pushes power pop of pop.
%Pushes remainder of division by pop of pop.
rshftPushes pop times right shift of pop.
setPushes with pop bit of pop set.
sgnPushes the signum function of pop.
-Pushes subtraction of pop from pop.
testPushes state of pop bit of pop.
xorPushes binary xor of pop and pop.


0?Pushes pop is zero.
0+?Pushes pop is zero or positive.
0-?Pushes pop is zero or negative.
absPushes abs(pop).
+Pushes addition of pop and pop.
bigratPushes big rational version of pop (and pop).
/Pushes quotient of division by pop of pop.
*Pushes multiplication of pop and pop.
negPushes - pop.
ratPushes rational version of pop.
1/Pushes reciprocal of pop.
sgnPushes the signum function of pop.
splitPushes numerator and denominator of pop.
-Pushes subtraction of pop from pop.


{Bundles next operations until '}' into one.
breakBreaks out of a loop.
continueContinues a loop.
doDoes next while pop.
elseWhen seen by 'if', provides an alternative.
}Ends '{' operation.
ifSkips next if pop is false.
reduceApplies next while stack size is greater than 1.
#reducePops stack size target and reduce.
tryUnless next fails, skips next.
unlessSkips next if pop is true.
whileWhile pop, does next.


appendAppends pop to tuple.
applyApplies next to pop container.
container?Pushes pop is a container.
dictPushes an empty dict.
dict?Pushes pop is a dict.
getGets container value for pop key.
putPuts in container at pop key a pop value.
removeRemoves and pushes container value for pop key.
sizePushes size of container.
tuplePushes an empty tuple.
tuple?Pushes pop is a tuple.
valuesPushes container values.

Dict (applied)

entriesPushes entries.
getGets value for pop key.
keysPushes keys.
putPuts at pop key a pop value.
removeRemoves and pushes value for pop key.
sizePushes size.
valuesPushes values.

Tuple (applied)

appendAppends pop.
getGets value at pop index.
putPuts at pop index a pop value.
removeRemoves and pushes value at pop index.
sizePushes size.
valuesPushes values.


firstPushes value of first step.
first@Pushes time stamp of first step.
first$Pushes state of first step.
lastPushes value of last step.
last@Pushes time stamp of last step.
last$Pushes state of last step.
nextPushes value of next step.
next@Pushes time stamp of next step.
next$Pushes state of next step.
prevPushes value of previous step.
prev@Pushes time stamp of previous step.
prev$Pushes state of previous step.
startPushes interval start value.
start@Pushes interval start time stamp.
start$Pushes interval start state.
stepPushes current step number.
stopPushes interval stop value.
stop@Pushes interval stop time stamp.
stop$Pushes interval stop state.
$*Pushes all steps in order.
$*!Pushes all steps in order disallowing nulls.
$#Pushes number of steps.
$Pushes current step value.
$!Pushes required current step value.
$@Pushes current step time stamp.
$$Pushes current step state.